Personalize Acts 1:8 for your family:
“But you (Your family’s name):__________________________
will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you (Your family’s name):__________________________
will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—
1. in Jerusalem (neighborhood):__________________________,
2. throughout Judea (Community, Tallahassee):__________________,
3. in Samaria (i.e.—Gadsden County, Miccosukee):_______________,
4. and to the ends of the earth ( i.e.—Indonesia, North Africa): __________________________________________________.”
Becoming an On Mission Family
STEP 1 Family Readiness Questions
1. What does it mean to be lost? What are the short and long term consequences of being lost?
2. What difference does prayer make in people’s lives? What are four specific requests we should pray for the lost?
3. According to John 14:15, what is the role of the Holy Spirit?
4. What are the commitments a Christian must make for relational evangelism?
5. Name three methods for sharing the gospel. Which ones would you be most comfortable using?
STEP 2 Family Applications
1. Develop a prayer journal for the lost. Be specific by including names of individuals, their specific needs, and for specific requests for overcoming their “lostness” (e.g. for their eyes to be opened). Monitor your journal regularly and praise God as the people accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
2. Write HOLY SPIRIT on the left side of a piece of paper. For each letter, fill in what the Holy Spirit does in people’s lives (e.g., hears our prayers, opens our eyes, etc.). Once complete, make these phrases prayers to God, thanking Him for sending us the Holy Spirit.
3. For each family member, look for ways to make sharing the gospel intentional in two current relationships.
4. Obtain three or four witnessing tracts. As a family, evaluate them and determine which ones your family would like to use. Brainstorm ways to distribute and use them (e.g., leave them with a tip at a restaurant).
5. Make preparing your testimony a family game. Using index cards and markers, write the following headings on the cards: “My life before Christ,” “How I realized my need for Christ,” “How I accepted Christ,” and “My life since Christ.” Each family member should have a set of four cards. Spend some time talking about each card, writing in appropriate details for that card . Next, mix up the cards and challenge the family to place them in the proper order. For a greater challenge, place the cards in an envelope and then switch cards. Family members are then arranging someone else’s testimony. Once they are in proper sequence, each family member should read the testimony.
STEP 3 Family Building Activities
1. Go on a journey to see the lost-shelters, crisis pregnancy centers, the inner city, a mall, an airport, the movies, and a city or state park. After the experience, answer these questions:
* What are some signs of “lostness” you saw (e.g., empty, searching eyes)?
* What were people doing to fill the void in their lives (e.g., shopping)?
* How could your family meet the physical and spiritual needs of the lost people you encountered?
2. Have testimony night over a bowl of popcorn or a pizza. Each family member prepares and delivers his or her testimony. Family members then help one another refine the testimonies to have the greatest impact. Be prepared for questions and concerns, as some family member might not have a testimony. In other words, they might realize during this activity that they have not accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Links to videos about On Mission Family opportunities:
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