We quickly reacted to and formed opinions on the picture above and realized we are very quick to form opinions and judge based on first impressions. We often slide into treating badly the ones we love the most. The same common courtesy and consideration we show to strangers or acquaintances, we often neglect to show our own spouse.
What makes for a safe place? A place where each spouse can share and express themselves without fear of: judgement, blaming, not being heard, rejection of feelings, rejection by body language or tone of voice, too quick and one sided solution forced on them, and becoming the enemy not the partner in meeting the challenge.
The Bucks were good sports and demostrated the "Trust Fall," as an illustration of the trust that must be there in a marriage, to know that my spouse will safely catch me. That level of vulnerability with each other is where becoming "one" is truly acheived.
We would love to give a "Chill Pill" like we saw in the video, but want to avoid the side effect of the bacon like body odor!? But we know that to make our relationship safe, we have to "be proactive for them, not reactive to them." Biblically, a married couple is one flesh. So if one hurts, the other hurts. If one is happy the other is happy. If one lashes out at the other, he or she is lashing at themselves. Then nobody wins, even if one feels they have "won."
- small talk
- facts
- opinions
- feelings
- needs
- beliefs
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